Category Archives: News

The Foxhunting Friesian

Daatje & Sarah Isherwood
Daatje & Sarah Isherwood Photo by: Vivian Earabino Photography.

When people see a Friesian, usually they think driving, dressage, saddleseat, maybe a grand medieval costume or two. But a jumper, or even, fox hunter? No,no… hasn’t everyone always said.. “Friesian’s can’t jump.” They’re too bulky, their joints can’t handle it, they don’t even like to canter!

As it turns out, that is utter nonsense.

Friesians may not break any records for clearing the highest jumps, or having the fastest time, but they and their owners can darn well enjoy themselves on a hunter pace! New Englander Sarah Isherwood has been attending foxhunts and hunter-paces with her eleven year old Friesian mare Daatje and chronicles their adventures, from raising the orphaned filly to galloping the courses at UNH, in her blog The Foxhunting Friesian.

Although Sarah is the only person she knows with a foxhunting Friesian, I know one or two others who have enjoyed taking their baroque beauties to hunter meets. Do you, or anyone you know enjoy an unusual pastime with your Friesian? Let us know.

New KFPS Approved Stallion Bikkel 470

Photo by: persburo Melissen

From the KFPS:

“It is not often that the term “allround” is as appropriate as in the case of newly registered Bikkel 470 (Beart 411 Sport x Tsjerk 328 Sport Preferent). The stallion just finished his KFPS Central Stallion Proving scoring 77 points in all three disciplines and a 7 for nearly all elements. He acquired the license owing to his steady performance combined with his beautiful type, correct conformation and, judging team Bauke de Boer emphasised, his outstanding character, underlined beautifully by his calm reaction to the playful passage under his belly of his owner Monod’s two young daughters.
In conformation Bikkel does not take to his sire. His harmonious build and youthful expression bring to mind his dam’s sire Tsjerk 328 Sport Preferent. His movements mediate between the two. He owes his spacious movements to Beart 411 Sport, but with a faster hind leg than most of his half brothers and sisters.
Bikkel really progressed during the test. He had an easy trot from the start, but the quality of his walk in particular has really improved.
Bikkel 470 was born as Bikkel fan ’e Lange Ekers at H. Bakker’s from Haskerhorne. He descends from Stam 19, that originates from the well-known Model mares Landsvrouwe and Landsdochter from breeder Pasma’s Redia Stables. Bikkel’s dam is nine-year-old Ster mare Lysbeth fan ’e Lange Ekers. Her full brother Marco fan ’e Lange Ekers entered the Central Stallion Proving four years ago but did not manage to acquire approval. Bikkel granddam is a Ster Preferent daughter by Thomas 327. The next mare in line is also Ster and Preferent. She is by Tjimme 275.
Bikkel will be available for service at  De Nieuwe Heuvel in the Dutch Lunteren (”

Bikkel’s scores as a saddle horse, driving horse and harness horse:

walk trot canter balans suppleness transitions impulsion total
7.0 7.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 77.0
walk trot balance suppleness transitions impulsion total
7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 77.0
foreleg hind leg suspension carriage front suppleness impulsion total
7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 77.0

Jakob 302 Sport Deceased

KFPS Approved stallion Jakob 302 Sport passed away this week at the age of 27. He leaves two approved sons, Olrik 383 and Take 455.

From the KFPS:
“Owned by the Hofstee family from the Dutch Gorredijk, JJakob 302 Sport RIPakob was KFPS approved in 1989. He serviced continuously at the Hofstee family station, but despite the fact that he had completed his Central Stallion Proving with fine marks, the mares wouldn’t really come. Perhaps it’s because at the annual KFPS Stallion Show he always had to settle for a second premium. As a 25 year old, Jakob was honoured at that same show.
Jakob became more popular when he started making a name for himself in the ring. He made it to the Dutch Z dressage category and was an honour class harness horse. He was more a sport horse than he was a model horse, which is also seen in his offspring, who are particularly successful in dressage. Jakob is among the stallions with the highest breeding index for sport.
As a son of Naen 264 and with Gerke 220 and Oene 201 in his dam line Jakob had relatively free blood. Because of the increasing interest in sport and the growing awareness of the need for genetic diversity Jakob was popular for a long time. There was even a revival in his older days.
KFPS has registered 1288 offspring by Jakob 302 Sport, 134 of which acquired the Sterpredicate. There’s one Model mare, 14 were awarded with the Sport predicate and 8 mares arePreferent. His influence is secured by his two approved sons. The first is sixteen-year-old Olrik 383, also stationed at the Hofstee family. In 2009, another stallion by Jakob was approved: Take 455. Since last year, his daughters are also influential as dams of stallions. Jakob also sired the dams of the newly approved KFPS stallions Wolfert 467 (Felle 422 Sport) and Alke 468 (Fabe 348). He’s also the sire of Wybren 464’s granddam.

Jacob 302 was still honoured at the Stallion Show in 2010 as a 25 year old stallion. He died this week at the age of 27 years old”.

Friesian Crazy 4.0

The Friesian Crazy website has had a number of incarnations over the years to try to boost the content and usability of the website for our users. Here is the latest! We chose to keep the general visual theme the same, (so as not to alarm our visitors), while moving the site to the WordPress platform to allow better functionality. Some of this will be invisible to you, but will hopefully lead to a streamlining of the Friesian Crazy experience. That means that instead of us having to enter your data submissions by hand into the web code (which we don’t always have time to do promptly), your content will be fed in automatically with only a button click from us – instant results, yay!

What’s new? 

  • In-site article searchability
  • Comments enabled on most content – give us your two cents!
  • Embedded Flickr stream – share your Friesian photos with FC visitors by contributing to our Flickr stream.
  • Social networking – want to share an article? Now it’s one click away.

Some of FC’s features are still under the process of being shifted onto the new platform, and hopefully they will be better and more useful for it. Here are some of our plans.

What’s next?

  • Rehashed Art & Gift and Farm Directory listings that allows easier submission by visitors.
  • Community updatable calendar of Friesian events
  • Updated classified ad section with better submission and management for users
  • Expanded encyclopedia and health sections
  • New forum
  • User-submitted content like event coverage and galleries.
  • An extension of our Friesian Health Survey – we plan on redesigning the survey for better efficiency and asking you about your Friesians health more frequently – for more useful results. Stay tuned!

What do you think?

Of course, your opinion is most important! What does the Friesian community need that it currently is lacking? Do you love the old forum and hate to see a replacement? Want to see the site change its look? See something on other sites we should have here? For those of you who hate to see the old FC go, don’t worry.. it will still be online at its old address, and though the content might get a little musty, its use as a Friesian reference will stand.

If you have input about any of these things, why not try the new comment feature below, or email me, as usual, at Thanks everyone!

3 Stallions Approved on Offspring

“The stud book stallions Gjalt 426 Sport (Pyt 325 x Lukas 324), Hinne 427 Sport (Tsjerk 328 pref Sport x Falcon 291) and Jerke 434 Sport (Onne 376 Sport x Tsjerk 328 pref Sport) are approved using the progeny testing.

The stud book stallions Tietse 428 Sport (Reyert 337 x Oepke 266) and Tsjabring 429 Sport (Brandus 345 Sport x Tjimme 275) no longer have a breeding license. The offspring of these two stallions were unconvincing. Tsjabring 429 Sport was withdrawn by its owner Kop Janssen.

The stud book stallions Jorn 430 Sport (Fabe 348 x Feitse 293 pref) and Loadewyk 431 Sport (Tsjerk 328 pref Sport x Jurjen 303) had some offspring finish the tests. They have until 2012 to complete their offspring examination. Jorn 430 Sport and Loadewyk 431 Sport also received their sport predicate in dressage.

The other 2003 stud book stallions Jense 432 Sport (Sierk 326 x Leffert 306 pref Sport), Jisse 433 Sport (Jasper 366 pref Sport x Dirk 298 Sport) and Jesse 435 Sport (Leffert 306 pref Sport x Doeke 287) have had no offspring in the test. They have another year to prove themselves. These three stallions received their sport predicate in dressage.”

Source: FHANA

KFPS Stallion Show Champion – Norbert 444

Congratulations to the 2012 KFPS Stallion Show Overall Champion Norbert 444 (Tsjerk 328 x Hearke 254), and Reserve Champion Beart 411 (Jasper 366 x Feitse 293).

17 year old Jasper 366 (Olof 315 x Franke 251) came in Reserve 2012 Older Champion behind his son Beart 411, and Uldrik 457 (Dries 421 x Tsjerk 328) came in Reserve 2012 Youth Champion behind Norbert 444.

This year the KFPS separated the championship into an “Older” class for mature stallions who have already achieved offspring approval, and a “Youth” class for young stallions not yet approved on offspring.

Congratulations all!

(have photos of the show? Send them to to have them included and credited in the article)



New Non-Profit Organization dedicated to Friesian Health

“The Fenway Foundation for Friesian Horses is a not for profit corporation created to preserve and enhance the longevity and quality of life of Friesian horses by accruing pertinent equine, more specifically Friesian, information to educate the public and offering assistance regarding Friesian horses and their owners throughout North America.”

A very exciting new organization and a positive step towards continuing and improving Friesian health and genetics. Take a look at their website at: Fenway Foundation for Friesian Horses.

Tsjerk 328 Preferent, passes away at age 21

Approved stallion Tsjerk 328 Preferent (Feitse 293 x Nanne) passed away yesterday in the Netherlands at the age of 21. He leaves two permanently approved sons, Maiko 373 and Andries 415, as well as more recently, Hinne 427, Loadewyk 431, Norbert 442 and Michel 444. FHANA states:

“Tsjerk 328, not only are his breeding values for conformation still among the highest, his list of predicate worthy progeny is impressive. As many as 483 offspring were ster, an unprecedented number in the breeding of Friesian horses. Nine daughters received the Model predicate and 25 Tsjerk 328 descendants earned the Sport Predicate.
…Tsjerk 328 has already approved six grandsons, three via son Andries 415 and three Tsjerk 328 through subsidiaries, including the two-time champion of the stallion Uldrik 457. It can be established that the influence of Tsjerk 328 on the Friesian Horse Breed to be quite meaningful.”

Source: FHANA

Uldrik 457 Champion of 2011 Stallion Show

Uldrik 457 (Dries 421 x Tsjerk 328) has become the Champion of the 2011 Stallion Show in Leeuwarden for the second year running! Udrik’s grandsire, Jasper 322 recently became one of the youngest stallions ever to receive the prestigious Preferent predicate. Reserve Champion went to Tsjalle 454 (Mintse 384 x Brandus 345). Other stallion finalists included: Andries 415, Aan 416, Harmen 424, Haitse 425, Gjalt 426, Jerke 434, Maurus 441, Maurits 437, Pier 448, Norbert 444, Anders 451, Uldrik 457, Tsjalle 454, Wimer 461 and Wytse 462.
Source: FHANA