All posts by K.S. Evans


photo submitted by Lorah

Also known as pastern dermatitis and grease heel, scratches is a skin irritation commonly associated with draft horses and other breeds with long feathers, though it may also occur in those with very little fetlock hair as well. It occurs most commonly as scabs on the back of the pastern and fetlock joints, and occasionally up the legs on the hocks or knees. These scabs may be sensitive if picked at, and depending upon the severity, may break open and ooze serum and blood. These scabs and open sores can be painful and some horses may go lame with serious cases, as well as show heightened sensitivity around the area(ie: watch out when picking hooves and bending the afflicted area). Although not a rule, it often is worse in those horses with very thick fetlock hair. Signs that a horse may have scratches include itching the afflicted area with the teeth, or with a hoof (often you will see them rubbing one back leg against the other).

In Friesians it is acknowledged as a common complaint and most will likely contract it at some point, though it occurs in varying severity depending upon the individual. The actual cause of scratches isn’t known with any real certainty, though there are varying theories, and the most likely explanation is that there are multiple causes for variations of the affliction. Many believe it is associated with a wet and unclean turnout or stall area where the horse must stand in unclean mud or muck for a long period. It may also be caused by mites or bacteria.

Just as there are many theories to it’s cause, there are many theories on how to clear up a break-out of scratches. If scratches is a chronic occurrence and needs treatment regularly, it is often recommended to shave the back side of the pastern to allow the area exposure to air and easy treatment. (Don’t worry..if the horse has thick enough hair, this can be done without shaving off those trademark feathers. Shave only the center of the pastern where the scratches occur and leave hair on the sides to cover the patch.)

Check out this handy info-graphic on scratches from The

Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)

OCD is a degenerative joint disease ( a type of developmental orthopaedic disease or DOD) usually found in young, rapidly growing horses who will eventually mature to over 15 hands. As may be expected, Friesians can be prone to the disease, simply due to their size. OCD occurs when cartilage at the end of growing bones, instead of hardening into bone, begins to break down. As a result of this break-down, small bits of cartilage may break completely or partially off and harden into bone cysts, which irritate the area of the joint, causing a build up of fluid (swelling), and pain (lameness).

OCD can be identified by lameness or swelling commonly in the hocks, stifles and fetlocks of young horses, especially those who have recently entered training or become more active, putting more stress on their growing joints. OCD can also cause locking stifles. Although OCD is commonly identified by a lameness, in some cases there may be no obvious symptoms, in which case the problem will likely clear up on it’s own. The cause of OCD has been linked to nutrition, particularly mineral imbalances, as well as trauma from excessive physical exercise. The disease is also thought to be at least somewhat genetically inheritable.

OCD can be officially diagnosed by x-rays and other veterinary procedures. Once determined that a lameness is in fact caused by OCD, traditional treatment options include joint injections, stall rest and a change in diet, or surgery to remove the floating bone fragments from the joint. Left untreated, OCD can cause significant, long-term joint damage, and the fullness of recovery after treatment varies depending upon the individual.

Suggested Reading:

[Liphook Equine Hospital: Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)] – An informative article on OCD, it’s causes, treatment and prevention.


Dwarfism, while certainly not to be described as common in the Friesian breed, is somewhat present. The condition itself is most commonly associated with miniature horses, but does occur more rarely in the larger breeds.

There are two types of dwarfism: achondrodystrophic, which is generally a normally proportioned body with extremely short legs and ears; and brachiocephalic, which is more visually extreme, commonly with disproportionate heads, and disfigured legs, spines and jaws. Both types of dwarfism are debilitating, though the severity may range depending upon the individual.

Suggested Reading:

[Dwarfism in the Friesian and Warmblood Friesian Horse] – An article compiled by the Australian Warmblood Friesian Association. Includes reports by the FPS and Dutch veterinarians addressing the issue of dwarfism in the Friesian breed.

[Normal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary growth axis in three dwarf Friesian foals] – A scholarly article from the British Veterinary Journal. Requires subscription or payment.

Personal Account:

I was blessed with a surprise birth of a friesian filly. She had several medical issues and multiple vet assessments. It was suggested that one of her “issues” was dwarfism. Please see my web site for her story, she is Tifrons. I would be happy to send you more pictures if you are interested. ” — Lisa []

Chestnut Factor

Chestnut Friesian gelding

The chestnut factor refers to the occasional birth of chestnut Friesian foals (also referred to in recent years as fox friesians). The Friesian breed has traditionally been black in coloration, and this has become the breed standard, so deviations from the standard, such as chestnut coloration is for the most part undesirable among breeders. The early Friesian horses had coat colors of all varieties, but since then these variations have been selectively bred out in favor of black. However, the chestnut gene is what is called ‘recessive’ meaning that it tags along with the black color gene, but doesn’t show itself. We’ll call the chestnut gene (c), small letter because it is recessive, and the black gene (B), large letter because it is dominant.

So black horses whose dominant color gene is black, but who carry a recessive chestnut gene (Bc) may, when bred to another black horse who carries a recessive chestnut gene (Bc), produce a chestnut foal (cc). In order for a chestnut foal to be produced both parents have to be Bc, and the odds have to be in their favor, for even in this situation, the black gene is still dominant, allowing only a 25% chance of producing a pure chestnut foal (cc). If a horse carrying a chestnut gene (Bc) is bred to another who does not carry it (BB), the resulting foal has no chance of being chestnut. Obviously the same is true if both parents are (BB), in which case they really will be a true black.

So? Well, because many horses carry the chestnut gene and it cannot be completely eradicated, the FPS registry has tested all its approved stallions for the gene so that mare owners can make informed decisions when breeding. The registry has also begun testing young stallions for the chestnut gene and pulling them from the approval process if they are carriers to reduce future incidences of chestnut foals. So a mare owner today can test their own horse to see if she carries the gene, then, if she does, then choose a stallion who is not a carrier, thus ensuring a black foal. Although the occurrence of chestnut foals is in no way a very serious breeding or health issue, since no actual physical harm comes to the foals and the only objection is cosmetic, it is however, something to be aware of for those in the FPS registry when choosing stallions for certain mares.

The horse pictured is a chestnut Friesian gelding owned by Adel Phillips. For more photos of chestnut Friesians, try visiting this website.

Suggested Reading:
[The More Detailed Look at the Chestnut Factor] – An article by Dr. Geurts, reprinted from International Phryso, published in “The Friesian” July/August 2003 edition. [Equine Color: Chestnut] – A non-profit website which offers basic information on color genetics, including an example of a chestnut Friesian.