Tag Archives: provisional model


Model is an FPS rating given to Star mares of exceptional quality. The Model Mare is much like the Studbook Stallion, having to meet many criteria and undergo evaluations before the title may be applied. To become a model mare, the horse must first be eligible for Provisional Model. Provisional Model requires that the horse be a Star Mare, at least 1.58 meters (15.2 1/4 hands), and be proven fertile by having borne and nursed a foal. The mare must demonstrate to judges that she is among the very best of Star Mares, having the ideal conformation and movements for a Friesian horse. A mare may be evaluated for Provisional Model at any of the annual FPS inspections. Once a mare has been designated Provisional Model, she must pass an IBOP performance test within the next calendar year, receiving at least a B designation of 77 or more points, or an equivalent test if determined by the FPS; shown either under saddle or driving. The Model mare is among the best of her breed and very few receive this prestigious rating.