Hinne 427 Sport Deceased

Some sad news today from Stalhouderij Meijer in the Netherlands about the approved KFPS stallion Hinne 427 Sport (Tsjerk 328 x Falke 291).

Photo from Stalhouderij Meijer

“After all the positive news about Hinne 427 in top shape [it] is wrong to put an end to his short life. Monday Hinne had colic and was immediately brought to the clinic in Wolverhampton. Once there, he immediately had surgery. Hinne [was healthy coming] out of surgery and also successfully passed the night. The bad news on Tuesday evening hit [us] like a bomb .. Hinne is deceased .. He is no more … We have been defeated and very sad about losing such a great stallion and will miss him terribly.

Hinne this season [bred] around 100 mares and was also in top form [in competition].  In a short period of time he and Maarten van Stek were selected in the B-team of the adapted dressagsports and [were going to appear again with Ingeborg in dressage.] It was not to be ..

We wish the family Bos from Waaxens, proud breeder and owner a lot of strength with this terrible loss …”

Hinne was a promising young stallion in both breeding and competition.  His mother Anke competed in Z1 dressage and his grandmother Klazina has no fewer than three model daughters. Hinne himself had already achieved the Sport predicate competing in Z2 dressage, and his offspring have shown similar promise in competition. Hinne was only recently approved on offspring earlier in 2012, and already has sired one approved son, Wimer 461 (Hinne 427 x Heinse 354) who scored an impressive 83.5 under saddle and all around high scores in the stallion testing.

According to Stalhouderij Meijer,

“In 2008 Hinne earned a spot in the championship ring on the stallion. The foals of Hinne perform well on the tests, 25% of foals earned a 1st premium and 48% a 2nd premium! The Hinne foals in 2009 with a 7.1 the highest average score of all the stallions trot. The first crop of three year olds also perform well with a star rate of 16%.”

Our condolences to the owners and caretakers of Hinne 427.

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